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Therapy from Pure Nature

신비롭고 강력한 5월의 자연, 메이듀(MAYDEW) 입니다.

봄이 가고 여름이 오기 전, 가장 아름답고 자연의 풍요로움을 느끼는 계절, 5월(MAY).
서유럽에서 5월 아침 이슬은 피부 미용에 상당히 좋고, 의약적인 효과가 있으며, 눈에 바르면 매일 아침 맑은 눈을 뜨고 숙면을 취할 수 있다는 전설이 있습니다.
특히, 5월 1일의 아침 이슬이 가장 그 효과가 있다고 믿었기에 5월 1일 기상 직후 아침 이슬을 얼굴에 바르는 전통이 있었습니다.
  단순한 전설로 치부할 수도 있지만, 현대의학이 생기기 전 자연이 선물하는 치유의 힘을 오랫동안 연구해왔습니다.

현재 자극적으로 피부를 케어하는 현대과학, 그리고 드라마틱하고 빠른 변화를 강조하는 제품들 속에서 우리는 자연스러운 피부의 힘을 잃고 있습니다.
메이듀(MAYDEW)는 이러한 순수한 자생의 힘을 가진 식물을 연구하여, 힘을 잃어버린 피부 속 깊이 에너지를 채워주고, 본연의 피부로 회복하도록 합니다. 

Introducing the mystical and powerful nature of May, known as MAYDEW.

In Western Europe, there’s this old belief that the morning dew in May is great for your skin and has medicinal effects.
They even say that if you put it on your eyes, you’ll wake up with clear vision and get a good night’s sleep.
People used to think that the dew on the morning of May 1st was the most effective, so there was this tradition of applying it to your face right after you woke up on that day.
It might sound like just a legend, but before modern medicine came along, people had been studying nature’s healing powers for a long time.

Nowadays, with all the intense skin treatments and products that promise dramatic and quick results, we’re losing touch with the natural strength of our skin.
MAYDEW focuses on researching plants with this pure, natural power.
It helps restore energy to your skin that might have been lost, bringing it back to its natural state.

메이듀(MAYDEW) Ⅰ 사업자번호 : 687-01-02457 Ⅰ 통신판매업신고번호 : 제 2024-화성동탄-2048호 Ⅰ TEL : 070-8080-0501
주소 : 경기도 화성시 동탄순환대로12길 12, 4층 이레스페이스 N92호 (산척동, 제이제이파크프라자) Ⅰ EMIL : maydew@outlook.kr